Sticky Note Saturday

Oh Saturday, I thought you would never get here. This week has been kind of crazy. Work has been picking up for me, I attended a wine walk in Gloucester Courthouse with my Mom this week (when Troy couldn’t make it), Doctor’s appointments, challenge group, etc. I am happy to have a day to lay around, relax, clean my nasty house (which if you know me, you know my house isn’t actually nasty or even that dirty to most people, but I am my Mother’s child in that I like a pristinely clean house at all times, so to me its gross), and listen to the rain fall.

This morning I wanted to come by and kind of do a little positive ranting; kind of a “pick me up” post if you will. This week in my challenge group the theme has been confidence and believing in yourself and talking yourself up, essentially. My fellow coach and I used a sticky note system. The challengers were asked to write down (like legit write down) a sticky note each day about something they were proud of themselves for, something they accomplished, something positive to lift themselves up; and we asked them to share it with the group. I also wanted to participate in this idea because it is something that I thought may help myself as well.


With recent events in my life that have happened, I have started to come to realize that: number 1, life is short. You need to spend it with the ones you care about most, doing the things you love to do most. Is it important to be healthy? Absolutely, but you shouldn’t become so obsessed with it that you lose sight of what is important. We are all in different areas of our lives with different obstacles to overcome; we are all doing our best. I have felt really good about myself this entire week, and I find that I am so much happier when I really talk myself up and it shows. It shows in how I carry myself, in my laughter, and in my love towards my family. I preach self confidence to all of my customers and challengers but it is something that I have always struggled with myself. But, I am really starting to take a hold of that and to learn from the own word’s that I preach.


So, I want to challenge you. I want you to do this sticky note challenge; not for me, but for yourself. Do it for a week, do it for a month, whatever works for you. Write down something daily that makes you feel good. Maybe you got up early that day to do your hair and it made you feel so good about yourself, maybe you said no to the Halloween candy sitting on your table, or maybe you just want to give yourself a pep talk. Whatever you want to write down, do it. And put those sticky notes where you are going to see them every single day. I have mine on my desk in my office. But maybe the fridge works for you or the bathroom mirror, or in your car.

Here were some of mine from this week:



I am going to continue to do this sticky note challenge for as long as I can because I love the concept and idea. We need to lift ourselves up, and lift each other up to! Write a sticky note for yourself everyday and then share it, you never know who you may be inspiring or helping.

I hope you guys have an amazing weekend! ❤


#Basic Twins and Pumpkin Carving!

Happy Friday!! Tomorrow is Halloween, and I am so excited to hand out candy to the cute trick-or-treaters tomorrow night with my hubs! I used to love going trick-or-treating as a kid and I love having kids come to my house and trick-or-treat even more. They are so adorable and it makes my heart happy to see happy kids, so there’s that. 🙂

In the spirit of Halloween, this week is spirit week at work. Monday was PPD purple day (I forgot and didn’t participate), Tuesday was college day (I wore my UMW hoodie), Wednesday was 80s day (I didn’t want to spend money on making a costume, so I didn’t participate that day either), BUT yesterday was twin day! My friend and I dressed up as twins, but we were a specific kind of twins….let’s see if you can guess what kind of twins we are…


We are basic white girls (aka #basic #basicwhitegirl #basicgirl #basicb, etc), basic white girl twins, to be exact!

No #basic girl is complete without her leggings, Uggs, oversized sweater, infinity scarf, messy bun up do, Raybans, and OF COURSE Starbucks (PSL to be exact)!



We stayed in the #basic mindset all day by stopping to take numerous selfies.




We then proceeded to google “basic white girl poses” and so we made sure to do the lean pose and the sorority sister pose.


 We finished the day with a peace sign selfie to round out our #basic day!


There were other twin and triplet groups in our building yesterday, but you can clearly see from the photo who was front and center, and obvi most #basic.


 When I got home, I took the dog on a walk and then completed a super quick (about 15 minutes) upper body circuit workout. I will be sharing that this weekend! I stuck with my #basic attitude even during my workout.


Once Troy got home, we ate dinner (leftovers/pizza for him) and then we carved our pumpkin (finally) and I made some cookies for him to take to school. Doesn’t that sound funny? I made cookies for my husband to take to school, haha.


Cooper enjoyed watching our shenanigans.


The cookies were just premade mixes that I picked up at Walmart this week. Normally I am 100% totally against premade baking mixes, but with feeling under the weather still this week, I knew I wouldn’t have the energy to make my cookies from scratch. So, maple bacon and chocolate chip cookies, fresh out of the bag, it was 🙂


Our UVA jack-o-lantern turned out great and it’ll look so good outside on Saturday when the trick-or-treaters come to get candy on Saturday night, eeeek!


We ended our night watching football and then Scandal, my new favorite tv show!

I hope you have a great Friday and an even better weekend!


21 Day Fix Extreme Starts Now!


I woke up this morning ready to tackle the day. Since I have been feeling under the weather this weekend and still am a little, I will be limiting my workouts this week and really just focusing on getting better and on healthy eating. Anytime I start a program, day 1 always makes me feel giddy and ready to see what I can accomplish and this round of the 21 Day Fix Extreme is no different!


I will be sharing a few days a week on the blog my journey through the next 3 weeks of this program but also continuing to share just general life things over here on Passion 4 Peanut Butter.

I did a short recap of my Friday and Saturday yesterday, but let me tell you how the rest of my Sunday went. After getting out of bed, I did some cleaning, some extra grocery shopping, and then cuddled on the couch with the puppy and a mug of hot, steaming Yogi green tea.



My friend Rachel came over to watch the Cowboys game (let’s not even get into that) and to talk 21 Day fix and Beachbody. After she left I prepped my food for today. I set out my Shakeology for breakfast and packed my lunch and snacks for the day. On Wednesdays I will be sharing “What I ate Wednesday” blog posts that will feature my meals throughout these next 3 weeks, so that you guys can see what a typical day looks like for me while doing this program!


This morning, I woke up chipper and fixed myself one of my favorite shakeology smoothies, chocolate almond cupcake which is just 1/2 a frozen banana, ice, chocolate Shakeology, unsweetened almond milk, and a dash of almond extract. Delish!

Now I am off to get my Monday started! Have a great Halloween week everyone!


Getting Sunday Going…

Good Sunday morning folks! This is my view right now as I type up your Sunday morning blog post…


He knows that Sunday mornings we lay in bed and watch Food Network and clearly he loves it as much as I do.

I wanted to come by this morning and just remind you guys that I will be starting the 21 Day Fix Extreme program on Monday. I have been a little bit under the weather lately and I don’t know how much I will be able to workout this week, but I am hoping to at least be able to do a little bit and then jump in full steam ahead next week! I will be sharing meals, recipe ideas, meal planning/prepping, etc all throughout these next 3 weeks!

And now just for a short weekend recap…

On Saturday, I did a little meal planning and sent my husband out to the grocery store with a list. He did a great job and got everything I had listed!



While I was meal prepping, my awesome hubby made us breakfast. Pumpkin rolls (omg) with eggs and sausage hit the spot!


We spent the day laying around since I wasn’t feeling well. Troy washed all the cars and then we finished the night with Game of Thrones (we are still trying to catch Troy up) and yummy cabbage rolls made by my awesome Momma. Seriously, the best of all comfort foods in the world!




This morning I took a leftover baked potato I had in my fridge and made it into home fries. I topped it with 2 over easy eggs and a banana (and coffee, of course), for a yummy, whole 30 style breakfast!


Today, I have plans of doing a little cleaning and laying around. My friend, Rachel, is coming over later to watch the Cowboys game with me and work on planning out our challenge group!

Have an awesome Sunday!


Celebrating Nannie’s 80th Birthday!

Good morning! I am coming to you today to share about my Nannie’s 80th birthday party that we did on Saturday.


First, let me give you a little bit of background about my Nannie. Nannie is my Mom’s mom and is one of the strongest people I have ever met in my entire life. She has lived through so much in her life and always comes out the other side even stronger than she was when she went in. She is the Mother of 4 amazing children. She works so hard to make sure every single one of us (including her great grandchildren, great nieces, nephews, etc) knows how much she loves us. She took care of my Popeye for over 10 years when he had Alzheimer’s, all by herself, every single day. And for that alone, I have the utmost respect for her and her ability to love unconditionally. She deserved this day as we celebrated the amazing Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother that she is!


The party was based around the colors lavender, silver, and white. Everyone did such a great job, planning everything out and making it all look so beautiful!



Everything was thought through, from the centerpieces, the cake tables, the lanterns hanging from the ceiling, the food table, etc. I know that Nannie loved every single thing about it!




For lunch we enjoyed lasagna, bread, salad, soup, green beans, corn, and some other appetizers. It was all so delicious and I know we all ate WAY too much! 🙂


I made sure to take my good camera and get pictures of everyone with Nannie because getting family pictures happens once in a blue moon around here. First up was Nannie with her children and their spouses.







Then came the Grandkids and Great Grandkids!



After pictures we enjoyed some yummy (and gorgeous) carrot cake for desert! Then it was present time!


Nannie got lots of awesome gift cards to treat herself to dinner or to go on a shopping trip with! And she got a brand new laptop. I am pretty sure everyone played the “not it” game when someone asked “who is going to teach her how to use that thing????” Haha. I am DEF not it!




It was a great day, celebrating a great lady! Can’t wait to do it again! I love you Nannie and I hope you have an amazing 80th year of life! ❤


How to Kill Fruit Flies!

This is totally, 100% random. But, I found a way a couple years ago to catch and kill those pesky fruit flies that plague most houses this time of year. We always have them terrible where we live, and they are even worse in the new house. We live near water, so I think that may be why. But, here is the way that I catch and kill those pesky little buggers!

Take a cup (I used a solo cup), add about 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and about 2 tablespoons (just eyeball it) of water to the cup. Take plastic wrap and wrap it tightly over the top of the cup. If you need to put a rubber band around it, do so, so that the flies can’t escape. Then take a tooth pick and put tiny holes in the top of the plastic wrap.


The fruit flies are instantly attracted to the smell of the vinegar and are able to find the holes in the plastic and fly into the cup, but they are not smart enough to get back out of the holes. Most will eventually fly into the vinegar and drown.


I put a cup over by my fruit basket on Wednesday night and 1 hour later we had caught at least a dozen flies already. I also put one in our bathroom because they always seem to be bad in there too (they come up through the pipes).

Try this technique out if you have these pesky bugs in your house!

Oh, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!


Happy Thursday!

Good morning everyone! I am glad today is Thursday, because that means tomorrow is Friday! It also means my iron pump class is tonight, woop woop!

I don’t have much going on right now to share with you guys, so I figured I would share a few random things.

First, I snapped this picture of Cooper to send to a friend this week. Clearly, he is thrilled.


We have been taking a lot of walks lately since the weather is so nice right now, so usually at night he is wiped out and doesn’t get off the couch much and that I am totally OK with.

On Tuesday night, Troy grilled our dinner. Why is it that grilling automatically makes food taste better? I love any and everything grilled. We enjoyed grilled pork chops and zucchini for dinner that night. I also enjoyed leftovers the next day, which I think was even better than the original.


I tried out something new for Shakeology yesterday. I took shakeology for my afternoon snack and I added unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, and a tiny bit of almond extract to my vanilla shakeology packet. That is the first time I have added an extract to a shake that I am going to literally shake and not blend. It was great! I will def be doing this more often!


Last night I had “leftovers/find something” on my meal plan for the week. Usually this means a salad for me and pizza or chicken nuggets for Troy. I always throw in one of these days right now while Troy is in school and home every night during the week to save a little bit of money and to give myself a night where I don’t have to cook. Fortunately, this week I remembered I had picked up some tomato soup from Trader Joe’s so I had that and a grilled cheese (made by my hubby) for dinner and it was fabulous!


Don’t mind my lovely pajama pants in that picture. When I get home on days where I worked out in the morning, I immediately change into my pajamas if I know I don’t have to leave the house again. It’s fantastic and I am not sorry lol.

I hope you guys have a fab Thursday!!


A Quite Boring, but Relaxing Weekend Recap

Hey guys! It’s Tuesday, so that means it isn’t Monday, which automatically puts me in a better mood. Yesterday was NUTS at work, so I came home exhausted. I didn’t get my workout in yesterday for that reason, but am telling myself I will make up for it throughout the week (hopefully by attending boot camp on Saturday morning!).

I usually take Monday’s to recap my weekend with you guys, but since I posted yesterday about my next challenge group that will be starting at the end of this month, I figured I could catch up with y’all today. If you missed that blog, go check it out here, you don’t want to miss out on this!  2 coaches coming together in one group, it is sure to be so much fun!

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OK, onto our boring recap. As I told you guys we had 0 plans for this weekend, mainly because Troy was in clinicals all weekend. Cooper and I spent Saturday sleeping in, cleaning, laying around, sleeping, laying around, etc. You get the point. I enjoined a yummy breakfast in bed before I got my day started.


I did manage to get a run in before doing a Cize routine for my workout. It wasn’t my best effort at a run, but I still did it. Also, who knew you could get so many steps just cleaning the house??? I guess I did more than I thought I did on Saturday?



On Sunday, Cooper and I slept in (yet again), enjoyed some breakfast, and then I went up to my “gym” and completed one of the Les Milles Pump workouts. I love this program and I am so so sad that Beachbody stopped carrying their product. It is an awesome workout that focuses 100% on weights. They use the rep affect to do as many reps as possible on each track. Trust me, yesterday my body was feeling it.

body pump photo

After that and a shower, we ventured out to my parents house where we laid around with them (same thing, different house), had some yummy steak for dinner and watched football (what is happening to my Cowboys?? I am heart broken!).

Well, that catches y’all up! I hope you have a fantastic week!


A Peak Into My Office!

YAY for the weekend!! You guys, I have 0 plans for this weekend, 0. And I am 100% OK with that. Troy will be in clinicals all weekend, so it’ll be me and Coop hanging out all weekend.

I wanted to show you guys my newly decorated and organized office that I finally got all put together on Thursday when I was off. My Mom, Dad, and brother gave me lots of awesome office organizing things for my birthday which made all of this happen. Thanks again guys!!


This is my side of the office, we are hoping to make the other side Troy’s office, but that is still in the works. The desk and chair were stolen from my parents house, it was actually my desk in college which I had given to my brother when I moved back home. He wasn’t using it, so I stole it back 🙂


This little table one of my best friends from college made me a few years ago and I have loved it ever since, it matches in our office perfectly!




This cherry shelf was originally a wine rack that we had in our duplex. When we moved and had built in wine racks in our cabinets and a wine cooler, we didn’t really have a use for it, so I re purposed it for use in my office and it works great!

I love being organized, so all the folder holders, and bins are so perfect for me. I can really concentrate and get things done now for my business that I have an organized office.



I mainly use my office for Beachbody related things but I also use it to manage our lives, pay our bills, etc. This mail organizer that my Mom and Dad gave me is so perfect to organize bills, etc.



My brother gave me this last Christmas and I have just now put it up. I love being able to look over at all of my medals when I am sitting at my desk, working on my business, that helps and encourages people towards a more healthy life, knowing that I have accomplished so much. I do however have some spots to fill up with more medals, however, so I better get on that!

Well, there you have it, my newly organized office. It isn’t perfect, but it is perfect for me.

I hope you guys have a great weekend!


My Day of Birth

YAY for Friday!!!!! I love this Friday even more because I was off yesterday for my birthday. As I have mentioned, I usually take my birthday off if it falls during the week, as a “happy birthday” to me gift. Wednesday and Thursday were awesome, I had a great birthday! Here is a short recap of my day of birth 🙂

My co workers started out my birthday on Wednesday at lunch time when a few of us went to Jason’s Deli to get lunch. I helped myself to the amazing salad bar and filed up my container to get multiple meals out of it. And good thing I did, because I ended up finishing off my salad for dinner that night.


On Wednesday night my Mom, Dad, and brother came over to hang out after dinner and give me my birthday gifts. When my mom walked in the door with numerous gift bags AND wait for it…….BROWNIES (with all the fixings, I might add), I knew I was gonna be a happy girl. After I got done drooling over the peanut butter brownies, HOMEMADE vanilla ice cream, nuts, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream, we all sat down and I opened my gifts. My family is always so generous, and this year was no different. My Mom and Dad got me some awesome things for my office plus a new cross body purse that I am obsessed with, its so perfect for fall! My brother awesome got me this really cute chevron E to put on my desk and a hanging folder organizer for my office. There will be a whole blog post dedicated to my newly decorated and organized office tomorrow morning!

My office is complete now and super cute! Thanks Mom, Dad, and Cole!!


When Troy got home he insisted I open my gifts from him as well and so of course I didn’t say no! He got me the super cute sign, which we hung up in our bedroom, new chevron rain boots, and…..a FITBIT!!! I was so excited when I opened this! I have been wanting a Fitbit since they came out but was too cheap to go buy one! I am really excited about it, so get ready for Fitbit screenshots on the blog 🙂 Thanks hubby!!


Once my parents left and I finished off my salad, I ended my Wednesday night with a brownie sundae. It was freaking delicious and I enjoyed every single bite!


Yesterday, my actual birthday, I slept in some and then ventured out to Starbucks for my free birthday latte. Of course my copilot had to join me on the drive. I enjoyed a grande skinny cinnamon dolce latte while I set up my office. It was the perfect morning birthday treat.



Around lunch time I went and had lunch with my Mom, Nannie, and brother. We had salads from the salad bar at Farm Fres (don’t worry, I never get tired of salad). After that I came home, and got a 3.45 mile run in before showering and heading to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Juan’s for my birthday dinner! I was too hungry when we got there, so I forgot to take pictures, but I enjoyed a yummy chicken quesadilla and copious amounts of chips and salsa.

I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday, it was a great day and I am excited to see what year 26 has in store for me!
