Seriously need a catchup…

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I am so glad it is Friday, I feel like this week has gone on FOREVER! I hope you all have some awesome plans for this weekend, it is supposed to be really pretty here all weekend, so I hope we can spend ample time outside. Tomorrow I will be attending my cousins 4th birthday party, it is Princess themed, I can’t wait! And then on Sunday Troy will actually be off all day so we have plans of couch sitting and football watching which sounds ideal to me.


Let’s jump right in to this week’s catchup post! When I have certain things I want to blog about during the week, my daily posts kind of pile up so I like to combine them all into one. So, here we go!

Crockpot Pork Loin Recipe

On Tuesday, Troy was home all day, so I had him throw a pork loin into the crockpot to have for dinner. One of my fellow coaches, Rachel, had shared this recipe with me on Pinterest, so I had to try it! We did tweak our recipe though. Here is the original, in case you want it! Here is the recipe we used:

  • 1 3-4 lb. boneless pork loin roast
  • ½ C honey
  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp dried basil
  • 1 Tbsp dried oregano
  • 2 Tbsp chopped garlic
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt

You just mix the ingredients together, pour it over the pork loin (or chicken would be good to) and set your crockpot to 6 hours! It was really good! I paired it with roasted mixed veggies!


Strawberry Pie Shakeology

On Wednesday, I came up with a new Shakeology recipe using the strawberry shakeology packet. Some of the strawberry pie recipes I have come across have pecans in the crust, so I figured, why not throw some pecans in my shake?? Here’s the recipe!

  • Strawberry Shakeology
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries (I used frozen)
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans
  • Cashew or Almond Milk


Daily Wellness Walks

I don’t know about where you work, but where I work we get 2 15 minute paid breaks that are called “wellness breaks”. I usually use mine to take daily walks if the weather is nice. I work in a lab, so getting outside once during the day is nice and some days my sanity literally depends on it. If you are sedentary at your job, I suggest just getting up for at least 10 minutes once a day and take a walk around your building or your parking lot. I am telling you, it will do you some good!


Cardio Fix

So, my plan was to get up early and complete the cardio fix routine from the 21 day fix extreme program on Wednesday morning. Well, I woke up and had serious sinus pressure issues so I climbed back into bed and decided I would do my workout after work, and that’s what I did. If  you have ever done the 21 day fix extreme program, you will understand what I am referring to when I say, I HATE THE WEIGHTED JUMPING JACKS!!!! Lol


Pump and Thin Mint Shakeology

So since yesterday was my Dad’s birthday (see that blog post here), I wasn’t able to attend my usual Iron Pump class. Fortunately for me I had purchased the Les Pilles pump program through Beachbody last Christmas, so I was able to get up before work (at 4:15 I might add), and complete the 35 minute pump and burn workout. It targeted legs, back, and core. I love having this option at home for when I cant make my weight classes.


After pump I had one of my all time favorite Shakeology shakes, Thin Mint (Find the recipe here). Yum Yum!


That is all I have for you this morning! Come back tomorrow to see a glimpse into all of my fall decorations (my husband told me he thinks I decorate more for fall than Christmas)! 🙂


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